After all, we each choose our own destiny! But you will carry this powerful coding with you, for the rest of your life. After this point, it is your choice how your story continues. Once decoded, this number forms a highly potent portrait of your inherited personal history, up to the moment of your birth. As such, the Destiny Number is often said to be the blueprint of your potential. Because of this, it offers valuable insights into the areas of your personality that, with work and development, could become your greatest strengths. But also about your personal shortcomings and the potential challenges you may face. Within the art of Numerology, this is the number that contains information about your inherent gifts, talents, and skills.

Whilst your Life Path Number (which comes from your birth date) describes the direction of your journey through life, the Expression Number centers on what you, uniquely, have to offer to the world.

Calculating it, and uncovering its meaning will reveal a great deal of information about your natural talents, abilities, and potentials in this lifetime. The Expression or Destiny Number is the second of the core numbers in your personal numerology chart.